If you would like to add more human rights institutes information, please write an email with the name and website of the human rights institutes to humanrights@webphilosophia.com
United States
Human rights institute. University of Connectitut
Human rights Institute. Columbia School of Law
Human rights Institute. Georgetown Law
Institute fro the study of human rights
United Kingdom
Bonavero Institute of human rights, University of Oxford
Human rights Insittute, Universitat de Valencia
Human rights Institute. University of Deusto
“Gregorio Peces-Barba” human rights Institute. Carlos III University of Madrid
Human rights Institute of Catalonia
ANDHEP Associação Nacional de Direitos Humanos, Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação, http://www.andhep.org.br/Artigo 19, https://artigo19.org/
CAAF Centro de Antropologia e Arqueologia Forense, https://www.unifesp.br/reitoria/caaf/
CEJIL, https://cejil.org/pt-br/
Centro Santo Dias de Direitos Humanos da Arquidiocese de São Paulo, https://www.facebook.com/csdiasdh
Comissão Arns, https://comissaoarns.org/
Conectas, https://www.conectas.org/
Instituto Vladimir Herzog, https://vladimirherzog.org/
Justiça Global, http://www.global.org.br/
LEV Laboratório de Estudos da Violência, https://pt-br.facebook.com/LaboratorioDeEstudosDaViolencia/
NEV Núcleo de Estudos da Violência, https://nev.prp.usp.br/
OEDH Observatório de Educação em Direitos Humanos, https://www2.unesp.br/portal#!/observatorio_ses/